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MHA 2018 Resources
Becoming a True Champion
Kirk Mango
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Code of a True Champion
Kirk Mango 2008
"I Will...
1 Consistently, and without reservation, strive to reach my full potential.
2 Be committed and disciplined in my approach.
3 Take personal responsibility, and any action necessary, to achieve team and individual goals.
4 Demonstrate a deep desire to succeed, applying passion and heart to any and every task at hand.
5 Show an impeccable and relentless work ethic that only true dedication provides.
6 Set priorities, and make the required sacrifices, that enhance the chances for athletic success.
7 Persevere through adversity with a positive attitude and concentration that strives toward excellence and mastery.
8 Establish a mindset that highly encourages the belief and confidence that one can accomplish anything, if they are so willing.
9 Apply a training and competitive focus that creates the opportunity to transform the impossible into the possible.
... All set on a foundation of strong character and integrity that beseeches one to do the right thing just because it is the right thing to do.
And so, you may ask, "Why follow a code of such high standard?"
Because I believe I can make a difference. And because I believe it, Then it is something I should do. Because it is something I should do, Then it is something I will do."